
dclient can handle API tokens for Datasette instances that require authentication.

You can pass an API token to query using -t/--token like this:

dclient query "select * from facetable" -t dstok_mytoken

A more convenient way to handle this is to store tokens to be used with different URL prefixes.

Using stored tokens#

To always use dstok_mytoken for any URL on the instance you can run this:

dclient auth add

Then paste in the token and hit enter when prompted to do so.

To list which URLs you have set tokens for, run the auth list command:

dclient auth list

To delete the token for a specific URL, run auth remove:

dclient auth remove

Testing a token#

The dclient actor command can be used to test a token, retrieving the actor that the token represents.

dclient actor

The output looks like this:

    "actor": {
        "id": "root",
        "token": "dstok"

dclient auth –help#

Usage: dclient auth [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Manage authentication for different instances

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  add     Add an authentication token for an alias or URL
  list    List stored API tokens
  remove  Remove the API token for an alias or URL

dclient auth add –help#

Usage: dclient auth add [OPTIONS] ALIAS_OR_URL

  Add an authentication token for an alias or URL

  Example usage:

      dclient auth add

  Paste in the token when prompted.

  --token TEXT
  --help        Show this message and exit.

dclient auth list –help#

Usage: dclient auth list [OPTIONS]

  List stored API tokens

  Example usage:

      dclient auth list

  --help  Show this message and exit.

dclient auth remove –help#

Usage: dclient auth remove [OPTIONS] ALIAS_OR_URL

  Remove the API token for an alias or URL

  Example usage:

      dclient auth remove

  --help  Show this message and exit.

dclient actor –help#

Usage: dclient actor [OPTIONS] URL_OR_ALIAS

  Show the actor represented by an API token

  Example usage:

      dclient actor

  --token TEXT  API token
  --help        Show this message and exit.